Not a fan of cold weather, snow, hail, flurries, none of it.
I have walked to work in steel-toed boots wearing 2 and 3 sets of thick socks in the dark part of the morning and I have hated it. I have squeegeed iced off the windshield of my pickup before I could leave the driveway, and before that I had to warm up the engine. Brrrrr!
I know we have hurricane season every year but suffering basically everyday for 90-100 days seems worse compared to the chance of a hurricane coming out way. To be fair, when it does come your way, it is certainly a gamble. You could get a small hammer (Irma) or an humongous axe (Andrew, Maria, Katrina, Harvey, Ian, the list, sadly, drags on . . .) There’s no telling until it’s too late and it is upon you. I will admit that.
But truly there is no perfect place to live. Every place has some natural hazard to give your pause. You have to choose your poison, the kind you can live with. Or do like the many snowbirds we have here, and run from your poison every year.